Tour Ratings

Tour ratings are based on accommodations used and level of service provided.

Hotel Ratings
Economy lodgings are expected to offer clean accommodations, with minimal extras. The hotel may not provide business facilities, on-site dining or fitness facilities. Guestrooms are designed to be functional with few amenities. Budget is the primary consideration when staying at an economy rated establishment.
Moderate facilities have modest enhancements to amenities and décor. These hotels or resorts are dependable, comfortable and some may offer standard features, such as select business services, Continental breakfast or coffee service and may have a swimming pool or small fitness center on-site. Guestrooms are comfortable, moderately spacious, in-room telephones, televisions and limited amenities. Moderate establishments provide suitable accommodations and service for budget-minded travelers.
These above average establishments provide guests with a greater level of style, comfort and personalized service. On-site dining, limited room service, gift or sundry shops, spa services and baggage assistance may be found at these hotels and resorts. For the business traveler, superior hotels and resorts often provide conference or meeting rooms and extended business services. Activities may include an on-site pool and fitness center. Guestrooms are usually tastefully decorated and offer more by way of amenities.
Fine dining, on-site bars or lounges and room service with extended hours are characteristic of deluxe establishments. Guest services usually include valet parking, concierge services, baggage assistance and laundry services. Other on-site facilities often include shops and boutiques, full service spas, full fitness facilities with pools and tennis courts. Business amenities may include available up-to-date technology and support staffs available for services. Attention to detail is apparent in the guestrooms which typically have stylish furnishings, quality bedding and bath products and often provide an evening turn down service.
The finest hotels in the world, luxury lodging is characterized by luxury accommodations, impeccable service and the highest standards of comfort and pampering. Luxury hotels and resorts are often found in the most desirable locations. Building from the amenities and guest services offered at a deluxe hotel or resort, the luxury establishment usually puts on the finishing touches - fresh flowers around the hotel and original works of art throughout. Hotel restaurants often employ world renowned chefs to create delectable dishes and a unique dining experience. Attention to detail and personalized service are the hallmarks of luxury hotels and resorts.

Disclaimer - These descriptions are only to be used as a guideline for each property. The services, amenities and facilities offered at each establishment may vary. Please check the details of each individual property to determine the amenities and services offered.

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