Prudhoe Bay

Prudhoe Bay



On the Arctic Ocean at the northeastern edge of the state, 700 mi/1,127 km north of Anchorage, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, is a good place to see tundra, wildflowers, permafrost, caribou, bears and thousands of ducks, geese and other birds. The area also has enormously rich oil reserves that supply the Trans-Alaska Pipeline—and fill the state's coffers with oil-tax income.

Prudhoe Bay is usually reached by air or bus tour from Fairbanks. The Dalton Highway, the service road to Prudhoe Bay, is now open to public traffic but is not advised for RVs. If you drive it on your own, take extra gas, tires and tools. One day in the area is usually enough, and places to stay are sparse, at best.

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