



This island is rich in traditional culture—many people there live much the same way their ancestors did centuries ago. Ceremonial spears and masks are important to their everyday life. Near Sanwir you can hike to a long-unused site where cannibalism was practiced by the Big Nambas (the other major cultural group on the island are known as the Small Nambas). Be sure to visit one of the caves where Big Nambas chiefs were buried. Good examples are found near Tenmaru and Tanmial. To learn more about the Small Nambas, head for Wintua, where you can arrange visits to local villages known for maintaining the traditional ways (dress, dancing and handicrafts). If you have the time, we recommend a side trip to tiny Vao island: You get there by canoe. Malekula is 100 mi/160 km northwest of Efate and just south of Espiritu Santo.

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