



Silesia, Maryland, is a southern suburb of Washington, D.C. Military-history buffs and children will enjoy seeing Fort Washington, which overlooks the Potomac River. This fairly well-preserved fort, dating from the 1800s, is complete with towers, drawbridge, ramparts and gun ports.

In nearby Clinton, you can visit the restored Surratt House and Museum, where one of the conspirators in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln hid weapons. John Surratt's mother was hanged, although her part in the plot was debated; it was her son who was deeply involved (his trial resulted in a hung jury and dismissal of the charges).

Also in the general area is the Dr. Samuel A. Mudd House near Waldorf, the home of the doctor who set John Wilkes Booth's broken leg. Mudd was convicted of conspiracy and sentenced to life in prison, but was pardoned in 1869, due in part to the fervent advocacy of his wife and his heroic medical treatment of other prisoners during a yellow fever outbreak.

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