



Dahab, Egypt, is a laid-back Sinai resort on the Gulf of Aqaba, 379 mi/610 km southeast of Cairo. You can spend the entire day lounging at one of the palm-shaded restaurants on the golden beaches, listening to reggae tunes and chatting with fellow guests, usually a diverse selection of Western travelers and Israelis with colorful stories to tell.

Traditional attractions for visitors include taking a swim in the beautiful turquoise water or one of the Bedouin-led camel rides into the surrounding desert, which is particularly stunning at sunset.

Experienced divers will enjoy the Blue Hole, a 165-ft/50-m drop inhabited by an incredible variety of tropical fish, sea slugs and even sea turtles. Play it safe, though: A number of divers, especially those with advanced standing in diving, have perished in Blue Hole because they underestimated its disorienting labyrinthine structure. Less-experienced divers, who typically follow rules, have rarely had problems with the site.

You'll find resort-style hotels near the beach and less-expensive accommodations in the nearby Bedouin village.

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