



It wouldn't be easy to find another stretch of land that offers such a cultural and natural variety as Liechtenstein. Yet this small country, squeezed between Austria and Switzerland, is better known to international bankers than tourists.

The visitors who do go can enjoy the natural beauty and the surprisingly vivid cultural scene of Liechtenstein. There is hiking in the mountains in summer, skiing in winter and wine tasting in the fall.

Liechtensteiners enjoy the highest per-capita income in all of Europe, and although they do depend on their neighbors Austria and Switzerland, they love their sovereignty. The country is a stable democracy, yet its people did vote to give a few extra powers to the prince.

The capital is a surprise to most visitors. Vaduz is small, but it doesn't really look quaint—it is marked by modern architecture, banks and office buildings. Visitors will find relief from harsh lines in the picturesque medieval castle and the fact that the mountains are only a few minutes away.

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