



Though it doesn't get the attention that some of its neighbors in New England do, Connecticut shares many of the attractions that make the region a travel favorite: colonial history, Atlantic beaches, seaside villages with rich nautical histories, pastoral countryside.

The reason it's often overlooked may be that it doesn't offer these sights in the same quantity and quality as other Northeast states. Its beaches aren't as impressive as those in Rhode Island or on Cape Cod, its seafaring towns are not as quaint as Maine's and its wooded hills are not as extensive as those in New Hampshire and Vermont. But sometimes less is moreā€”or at least more manageable. That Connecticut presents a microcosm of New England within a small and easily covered area makes it a good choice for those who want to get a feel for the region but don't have a lot of time to do so. And because it sits right outside New York City, Connecticut can be a pleasant escape from the big city, just as it once was for the likes of Mark Twain and Truman Capote.

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