Signature Collection Offers
The Signature Collection sailings offer Exceptional Value and Exclusive Amenities.
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  Date Title / Theme Promotions Supplier / Ship Nights From Price Offer ID
09/28/24 12-night Inside Passage with Olympic National Park & 2 Days in Glacier Bay Cruise
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
UnCruise Adventures
Safari Endeavour
12 Call for Pricing 1477417

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06/21/25 10-Day Canada & New England
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
Holland America Line
10 $1,286 1513909

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10/20/25 10-night Adriatic Wonders Voyage
Venice/Athens (Piraeus)
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
Azamara Journey
10 $2,800 1511130

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05/10/25 10-night Adriatic, Ionian & Amalfi Wonders Voyage
The Signature Collection – A Hosted Sailing
Azamara Journey
10 $2,283 1511117

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06/01/25 10-night Bordeaux & Normandy Voyage
Lisbon/London (Southampton)
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
Azamara Onward
10 $3,000 1477579

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07/12/25 10-night Croatia Intensive Voyage
Athens (Piraeus)/Venice
The Signature Collection – A Hosted Sailing
Azamara Pursuit
10 $3,120 1511206

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08/06/25 10-night Croatia Intensive Voyage
Athens (Piraeus)/Venice
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
Azamara Onward
10 $3,200 1511166

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08/16/25 10-night Dalmatian & Amalfi Coasts Voyage
The Signature Collection – A Hosted Sailing
Azamara Onward
10 $3,040 1511164

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09/03/24 10-night France Intensive Voyage
Southampton (London)/Bordeaux
The Signature Collection – A Hosted Sailing
Azamara Onward
10 $1,702 1470251

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09/06/25 10-night France Intensive Voyage
Portsmouth UK/Bordeaux
The Signature Collection – A Hosted Sailing
Azamara Journey
10 $3,120 1511126

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06/26/24 10-Night French & Italian Riviera Deluxe Cruise
Nice/Rome (Civitavecchia)
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
SeaDream Yacht Club
SeaDream II
10 $10,799 1464617

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09/24/25 10-Night Grand Greece & Italy Explorer Cruise
Athens (Piraeus)/Rome (Civitavecchia)
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
SeaDream Yacht Club
SeaDream I
10 $8,099 1490143

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08/09/25 10-Night Grand Western Europe & The Kiel Canal Cruise
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
SeaDream Yacht Club
SeaDream II
10 $8,499 1490237

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08/10/24 10-night Greece Intensive Voyage
Istanbul/Athens (Piraeus)
The Signature Collection – A Hosted Sailing
Azamara Journey
10 $1,848 1469957

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10/08/25 10-night Greece Intensive Voyage
Istanbul/Athens (Piraeus)
The Signature Collection – A Hosted Sailing
Azamara Onward
10 $2,880 1511170

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12/03/24 10-night Panama Canal Voyage
The Signature Collection – A Private Car & Guide Sailing
Azamara Journey
10 $2,537 1480024

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01/23/25 10-night Peru & Chile Voyage
Lima (Callao)/Santiago (San Antonio)
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
Azamara Journey
10 $2,900 1480028

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06/16/24 10-Night Sicily, Amalfi & Beyond Cruise
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
SeaDream Yacht Club
SeaDream II
10 $11,199 1464618

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10/27/24 10-night Spain Intensive Voyage
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
Azamara Onward
10 $2,833 1470767

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05/05/25 10-Night The Best Of Portugal, Spain & France Cruise
The Signature Collection – Exclusive Amenities
SeaDream Yacht Club
SeaDream II
10 $10,999 1490225

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11,811 offers match your search criteria.
20 are shown above
