What kind of a vacation do you recommend for large groups or families?
Not all groups are the same, but generally, the kinds of vacations that work best are those that have the logistical factors to accommodate large groups and a variety of amenities and activities that will appeal to a wide variety of preferences and ages. Cruises and all-inclusive resorts are both great options.
Cruises are a wonderful way to explore the world together. Today’s cruise vessels have the space you need to host a large group, and are equipped with everything you would expect, and more. From spectacular theater productions and relaxing spas to bustling casinos and pools and great kid’s clubs, cruise ships have it all when it comes to catering to groups of any size. On a cruise, everyone in the group can create their ideal balance of time spent together and time spent alone, coupled with opportunities to venture to some of the world’s most beautiful places.
All-inclusive resorts also have features that will appeal to everyone. They also offer the space needed to accommodate group celebrations and with so many different things to do all in one place, all-inclusive resorts make it easy for you to arrange group activities, host special meals and celebrate in style.
What are the benefits of staying at an all-inclusive resort?
The biggest benefit of staying at an all-inclusive resort like Club Med is knowing that everything you need is right there—and included. From food and beverage to activities and entertainment, it’s all part of your stay, conveniently all in one place. These resorts make it easy for you to enjoy the time spent with your family or friends as you celebrate that special occasion.
What are the benefits of a guided vacation for a large group?
On a guided vacation, an experienced, personable guide will be at your service, showing you the very best of a destination—the best places to eat, to sightsee, to experience culture, to feel immersed. Guided vacations are designed with groups in mind, as well, so you never have to worry about anyone bring left out. The variety of destinations that you can visit on a guided vacation—from Europe and Africa to Asia and South America—is limitless.
Is it difficult to plan a destination wedding?
Not at all—especially when we’re here to help. A destination wedding is a truly special—and unforgettable—way to celebrate your special day among loved ones. Our travel expertise and experience helps us help you turn your dream wedding into a reality. We know the right resorts, venues, on-site planners, florists, restaurants, cruise lines, and more to help you craft the perfect wedding.

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