Live From Crystal Bach: Final Impressions As Our Cruise Ends

If you’re a regular visitor to this site, you may have read My First Impressions Of Crystal Bach. If not, let me sum up that article for you: Crystal represents "next level" river cruising. By next level, I mean that Crystal offers a degree of luxury seldom seen on the European rivers. In October, I spent 10 nights on the beautiful Bach, and my time on board only confirmed my initial impressions during my first few days of boarding Bach: Every aspect of my Crystal river cruise represented a refined elegance that, in my experience, mirrored what Crystal offers on the oceans: an award-winning cruise experience that is practically unrivaled.

Were it not for the size of Bach (135 meters long and carrying 106 guests), I could have easily imagined that I was cruising on Crystal's Serenity or Crystal Symphony, particularly with regard to the dining experience and the staff. I ran into quite a few crew members, in fact, who had made the transition to Bach from Crystal’s ocean ships. My butler Igor remembered me from Crystal Symphony. Igor had not only a remarkable memory – I cruised with him more than a decade ago – but also a professional and approachable, demeanor. He could be quite comical. When I left my room one morning, for example, he joked that he’d be hosting a party in the room while I was gone but would have it all ready for me when I returned. Each interaction with him was a delight.

I’ll have more to say about Crystal Bach next week. In the meantime, check out our Crystal Bach Review (Updated 2019)

Full disclosure: I was a guest of Crystal for the purposes of this review.

The post Live From Crystal Bach: Final Impressions As Our Cruise Ends appeared first on River Cruise Advisor.

Article ID: ART4535

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