We Missed The Boat, But You Don’t Have To

Yep, we missed the boat alright. But we did so on purpose. That’s because on a barge you can cycle or walk along the old tow paths that line the canals in France, chasing the barge, but chasing at a slow pace. On this day, Tamera and I had lunch on the canal banks, then pedaled several miles to re-board Madeleine at a lock farther down the canal.

Alsace, as you can see in the photo, was stunning during the October trip that we hosted. I like barge cruising so much that I am hosting three more in April. All three are sold out, with the exception of one stateroom, and that one stateroom just happens to be on my trip from Strasbourg to LaGarde, in Alsace. That one stateroom also can be yours. Complete the form below for more information. And, sure, if you’re traveling with me, you can miss the boat too. I’ll pedal along with you.

Want To Join My Alsace Barge Trip, April 17-23, 2020?

Fill in the form and I'll respond right away. Don't worry, you're not obligating yourself to payment until you ask for an invoice from me.
    Prices are $3,495 per person, double occupancy. Single traveler rates can be quoted upon requests. A non-refundable deposit of $1,000 per person guarantees your space.
  • In the space below, please let me know a good time to contact you.
  • Please specify a date or day of the week and a time to call you. Be sure to tell me what time zone you're in. Merci!

The post We Missed The Boat, But You Don’t Have To appeared first on River Cruise Advisor.

Article ID: ART4578

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  Petra 4 Travel
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