Water Levels: How Cruise Companies Are Responding

Will rains return normal water levels to the Blue Danube? © 2015 Ralph Grizzle

Water levels on the Danube hit a new record low last week, with the river receding in Budapest to only 16 inches. Rain is in the forecast, with a 60 percent chance on Sunday, and 80 percent chance on Wednesday. The end of October looks promising, with rain in the forecast nearly every day. Rain will certainly raise the river level, but will it be enough so that ships can resume their normal schedules? It’s difficult to say.

Faced with rivers that are difficult or impossible to navigate, the river cruise companies are responding in ways that please their guests and in ways that displease their guests. Rather than summarize the comments here, I suggest you read them yourself. Note that you can sort the comments. I typically sort by “Most Recent.” And if you have something to add to the conversation, by all means, please do.

I will post one comment here that came in yesterday: We are scheduled on Uniworld November 10 from Budapest to Amsterdam. We cannot do bus tours. Even if it started raining now, would boats be able to navigate? If anyone can answer this question, please let the reader know.

The post Water Levels: How Cruise Companies Are Responding appeared first on River Cruise Advisor.

Article ID: ART4072

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