



Sivas, Turkey, is the point at which western Anatolia melts gently into more exotic eastern Anatolia, 280 mi/450 km east of Ankara.

It's a conservative town, although that doesn't detract from the ruined Seljuk medreses dotted around its central park, several of which contain pleasant tea gardens. Extensive restoration work on many of the town's Seljuk monuments began in the early 2000s with an eye toward creating a cultural park.

The town is also a good base for visiting remote Divrigi (110 mi/176 km east of Sivas—a long day trip), a UNESCO World Heritage site whose mosque complex dates back to AD 1228.

You can also drop in on the bizarre Balikli Kaplica (hot spring with fish), a health resort where small fish nibble the skin of psoriasis sufferers, with good results.

Located 7.5 mi/12 km from the city, Sivas Nuri Demirag Airport offers daily flights to Istanbul and Ankara.

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