Lake Volta

Lake Volta



Created by the damming of the Volta River in 1966 and lying 55 mi/90 km northeast of Accra, Lake Volta is one of the world's largest man-made lakes. Sometimes called "Volta Lake," it stretches more than 325 mi/525 km and offers fishing and cruises. The dam, near the village of Akosombo, was a monumental project that was fraught with problems but now provides electricity for much of the country. Don't take pictures of the dam; iIt's illegal.

The highlands east of Lake Volta contain several of the country's highest peaks, as well as a rewarding selection of waterfalls, forests and other natural sites protected as community-based ecotourism projects. Particularly worthwhile goals in this hiker-friendly part of Ghana are the Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary, the Wli Falls (the highest cascade in West Africa) and the former German mission of Amedzofe.

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