United Kingdom

United Kingdom



The sun hasn't set yet on the United Kingdom. Though its empire of past centuries has dwindled into the shadows, the U.K. remains a prominent figure in the European and world communities; the nature of its influence may have changed, but it is still ubiquitous.

Regardless of whether it's England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland—each a distinctive and proud entity—both pastoral countrysides and metropolises in these regions are steeped in history and cultural traditions. One only needs to conjure thoughts of Stonehenge, Westminster Abbey or a cozy country pub to recognize the significance of its remarkable past. But the U.K. is also intrinsically modern and takes great pride in its cutting-edge innovations, whether they're in art, fashion or technology.

In a June 2016 referendum commonly known as Brexit, the U.K voted by a slim margin to withdraw from the European Union. The most immediate effect of Brexit was a drop in value of the pound sterling; economic uncertainty is expected to continue for some time. The separation became official on 31 January 2020, and terms of the new trade deal went into effect on 1 January 2021.

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