



Side (pronounced SEE-day) is a town with fascinating Byzantine, Greek and Roman ruins, some dating from the seventh century BC.

In this Turkish town 250 mi/400 km southwest of Ankara, ruins seem to pop up everywhere—scattered between the buildings or even emerging from the sand of the outlying dunes. Don't miss the towers and walls (fairly well-preserved), theater, Roman baths (now a museum), various temple ruins and a beautiful fountain.

Unfortunately for antiquity lovers, however, Side is a resort town and, therefore, overdeveloped and expensive. The coast is packed wall-to-wall with "holiday villages."

Allow a minimum of half a day to see the ruins (a full day is better), either from Antalya or while driving to Adana. During peak summer months, Side is uncomfortably crowded with tourists. To see the town at a less hectic time, try visiting in spring or autumn.

Taxis are ubiquitous, but agree on a price beforehand. Drivers may agree to use the meter, but that also means they'll be taking the long way around.

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