Dzanga-Ndoki National Park/Dzanga-Sangha Reserve

Dzanga-Ndoki National Park/Dzanga-Sangha Reserve



A bright spot in the country's wildlife scene, Dzanga-Sangha Reserve contains the unspoiled rain forests of the country's southwest. Within the borders of the reserve are Dzanga National Park and Ndoki National Park. Together, these parks are home to a large population of tree-dwelling lowland gorillas. (Don't confuse these animals with the endangered mountain gorillas made famous by Dian Fossey.) Though the gorillas are often hard to spot in the dense forest canopy, a trek through Dzanga-Sangha is probably the best reason to visit the C.A.R. The reserve also contains forest elephants, chimpanzees, waterbuck, monkeys, buffalos, warthogs and bongo (forest antelopes). The reserve headquarters, in the town of Bayanga, is well run. (For more information, contact the World Wildlife Fund office in Bangui.) 300 mi/480 km southwest of Bangui.

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